Aircraft Rental and Training Rates
PA-28-181 Piper Archer Rental* | $195.00 / Hour |
Cherokee 235 Rental*
$285.00 / Hour |
Instructional Rates | |
Flight Instruction in Alpine Flight Aircraft | $85.00 / Hour |
Flight Instruction in Customer Aircraft (requires insurance to list instructor) | $95.00 / Hour |
All ground instruction is billed at same rates as flight instruction. | |
Other Fees | |
Overnight Trip Rate – Billed for instructor to accompany a pilot on overnight trip. Billed per night away from home base in addition to instructional expenses. Minimum daily instructional time is 4 hours per day. | $500 + Expenses |
Payment processing fee will be added to all credit/debit card payments. | 5% |
Aircraft Ferry (requires insurance to list instructor) | $125.00 / Hour |
Deadhead Travel Time (billed for travel time either by car or air to or from customer location related to ferry of aircraft or training events that started or ended at a location other than Eagle Airport) | $75.00 / Hour |
*Aircraft are rented wet, meaning fuel and oil costs are included. Multi-day trips are billed at rate of 2.0 hours per day if the actual flight time is less. Fuel purchased away from eagle while on trips will be reimbursed at the field rate of $5.05/gal. |
Requirements for Renting Alpine Flight Training Aircraft:
- Copy of last BFR
- Copy of Medical
- Copy of License Front and Back
- Demonstrated and documented knowledge and proficiency in the make and model of aircraft
- Demonstrated and documented knowledge and proficiency regarding mountain flying
- Minimum of 1 flight to checkout in make/model of aircraft
- Aircraft Rental Agreement
Refund Policy: Prepaid flights, gift certificates, money on account are non-refundable once paid. Prepaid flights, gift certificates and money on account expire one year after the purchase date if unused. In some cases the prepaid items may be extended if request is made prior to expiration for a variety of special situations.
Alpine Flight Training offers private pilot ground and flight training as well as instrument training at the Eagle County Regional Airport located in Eagle Colorado. Our primary training utilizes a Piper Archer 2, one of the safest training aircraft in the industry, The Piper Archer 2 is the primary choice of many flight schools through the nation as well as the University of North Dakota. We are conveniently located within a short driving distance from Eagle, Gypsum, Glenwood Springs, Avon, Minturn, Vail, Beaver Creek, Carbondale, Basalt, Summit County and Edwards.
Piper Archer II
There are good reasons that the Piper Archer is found at so many flying clubs and schools, yet still finds a home as an airplane people will actually own for their personal use. Its stable flight characteristics and simple design make it an excellent trainer. And with enough speed to get you where you want to go, but not too much to get you in trouble. The Archer became the Archer II with the new designator PA-28-181 in 1976, when a semitapered wing was introduced. It, in combination with the low-drag wheel pants that became available a couple of years later, significantly increased the cruise speed and decreased the stall speed. The new design was so good that it remained essentially unchanged until 1995.
Simplicity is a word that comes to mind when stepping into the Archer. And in this case, simplicity is a good thing. Switches, buttons and controls are large and conveniently placed. The flaps are manually engaged with a Johnson bar located between the two front seats. There are three notches providing 10, 25 and 40 degrees of flaps. The cockpit layout is slightly reminiscent of reading a book with large text versus one with smaller font. The convenience factor makes it easier for the reader and, in this case, the pilot.
Our Piper Archer 2 is equipped with Stratus ESGi Transponder to provide ADS-B in and out capability so you can connect your iPad and Foreflight to get real time position, weather and traffic in the air, even if you don’t have cellular capability in your iPad.
Cherokee 235- PA 28-235